ricardo milos

this meme started on reddit and disgord chats so this meme is basically a brazilian guy dancing only wearing an underwear i dont know how people like this but its a weird one i think this was created for Gei people.this meme started in march 7 of 2019 and also this meme was called the king of the memes in one of his videos

weird meme hu?

this meme is still being used but it is being forgotten by some people i’m not really sure is this is dead because i never heard anyone in the internet saying this meme is dead or i missed one of pewdiepie video that he said this meme is dead.

Time line

Mar 7, 2019: meme was born

Mar 18, 2019: posted on pewdiepiesubreddit

Mar 24, 2019: people ask who is ricardo milos? is he dead?

Mar 31, 2019:people ask where is ricardo milos on meme review?

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