ugandan knuckles

this meme started some were in jan. and i think it became popular in vr chat and reddit. if you played vr chat in 2018 they are every were they have a queen her name is heyimbee or you could call her (deh queen) she is a youtuber and also a twitch streamer in her vids she gets a lot of views she get like 6 million views from this kind of vid

HE NEEDS MY HELP (VR CHAT) i am the queen 😀 – YouTube

if you don’t know this meme is dead for almost 1 year now in not sure when this meme died in 2018 this meme is so popular that people got tired of this that they quit doing this meme also pewdiepie ended this meme by turning this meme into a lasagna.

UGANDAN KNUCKLES LASAGNA – Cooking Dead Memes – YouTube

(R.I.P. ugandan knuckles 2018-2018)

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